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When writing libraries, a very common task that needs to be done is testing the speed of methods, usually against other libraries. Deno provides an easy-to-use subcommand for this purpose.

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The most basic form of deno benchmarking is providing a name and an anonymous function to run.
Deno.bench("URL parsing", () => {
  new URL("");
We are also able to use an async function.
Deno.bench("Async method", async () => {
  await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]));
We can optionally use long form bench definitions.
  name: "Long form",
  fn: () => {
    new URL("");
We are also able to group certain benchmarks together using the optional group and baseline arguments.
  name: "",
  group: "timing",
  baseline: true,
  fn: () => {;

  name: "",
  group: "timing",
  fn: () => {;

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